Monday, October 28, 2013

Our First Birthday!

That's right, Gilbert Spills It officially turns one today!  While this project was incubating for a couple of weeks before it became public, the very first post was published a year ago today. 

It has been an interesting year, and I'd like to thank everyone who reads.  I've had over 13 thousand hits in the last year, and I can gladly report that they aren't all spambots and my parents.  This blog has helped me accomplish some of the goals that I had in mind when I started it, others I am still working on, and there have also been some totally unexpected outcomes.  It is still very much a work in progress, and there are more developments on the way. 

If there is one thing I have to complain about, it's that I don't post here enough.  I aim for once a week, but I often fall short of that goal.  Thrice a month seems to be closer to the mark.  I'm working on it, what can I say? 

I'd like to thank everyone for their support, their readership, and I'd also like to encourage you to comment more.  When I got this started, I thought there would be a little bit more of a conversation here.  But at least everyone's feedback is positive.  I'll take that.  Hell, I'm just glad y'all are reading. 

So in celebration, open up a nice bottle tonight.  And tip your waiter.

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